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Join date: Jul 17, 2021


I have been stitching since I was about 7 or 8 years old. My mom taught me how to embroider, knit, and crochet. My mom always said I got my interest in needlework from both sides of the family. My paternal grandmother made patchwork quilts, did crazy quilting, rug hooking, and embroidery. My maternal grandmother did embroidery, crewel, and knitted. So I have done my fair share of emboidered pillow cases, but my style usually involved "elephant stitches" as my mother would say (long and galloping stitches).

I tried many crafts as I was growing up: latch hook rugs, making god's eyes with dowels and yarn, braiding with leather laces, granny square or afghan crocheting, spool knitting, loom weaving, some needlepoint kits, etc. Nothing really held my interest for long.

When I was in high school, my mom told me that she found something that she thought I might enjoy, counted cross stitch. She bought me a 1/4 yard of aida cloth and showed me a new book from the library (she was the city librarian). I stitched a 3x3 quilt block. I hated it. But, I tried another design and everything clicked and took off!! So I learned at an early age that some designs/colors are more fun than others and later learned that some ground fabrics are the same way.

After cross stitching for 10 years or so, I was introduced to EGA. While learning new techniques, I was introduced to working on linen and canvas. Now, I enjoy (and have done) several needlework techniques. Among my favorites: counted cross stitch on linen, drawn and pulled work, whitework, and canvas work. I am interested in learning stumpwork, but so far anything that I've tried has not piqued my interest enough to pursue it. (I just gaze at pictures and think I want to do it.)

I joined ANG a year or so before the pandemic. During the pandemic (and through it) and I started to collect more canvas designs and kits. Currently, my primary pieces are either counted cross stitch on linen (32 count Belfast is my fav) or canvas designs. I'm always looking for something new to try, but end up back at cross stitch.

My most unique thing to stitch has been my screen door. Like most things, I just dabble with it. It's quite awkward to work on.


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