Iowa Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild.

Members' Page
Access to the Members' Page is restricted to members of the Blue Ribbon ANG and National ANG. Requests from nonmembers will not be approved.
Meetings are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month (except May, July, and October) starting with a social time at 5:30 pm, with the formal meeting starting at 7:00 pm. These meetings will be held at the Knights of Columbus, 1620 E Avenue NE, Cedar Rapids, IA and on Skype. Meetings in December, January, and February will be held on Teams only, starting with Teams login/social time at 6:30 pm, with the formal meeting starting at 7:00 pm.
Meetings in May, July, and October will be held on the 2nd Saturday of the month starting with a social time at 1:00 pm and the formal meeting beginning at 1:30 pm. The Saturday meetings will be held at the North Liberty Public Library, 520 W. Cherry St, North Liberty, IA and on Skype.
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